It is extremely depressing how modern catholicism seems to have degenerated into a debate club for schlubby neurotics to argue over dogmas they don’t understand, or a lifestyle grift to dress up and play pretend like a theater kid who recently decided he was straight. Either that or its hollow appreciation of aesthetics or some kind of political ideology to play pretend with. Faith should not be a plaything. I dream of something more, a Catholic revival, a spiritual resurgence. A ball of light glowing from the catacombs of catholic history, power reverberating from 12th-century mosaics, the living word made as fresh and natural as morning dew. I want a Catholic spirituality that shines in the very countenance of the men who live it. Not a RETVRN to an imagined past, or an Episcopalian NGO. I dream of something beautiful.
I find myself returning to the words of a young Benedict XVI.