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11,500 signatures to the cardinals pre-2013 on the impeded See of Benedict XVI
Article by Dr Cionci
Dr Andrea Cionci has asked me to republish this article originally posted in Sfero.
Today, November 8, 2023, is the anniversary of St. Mary of Victory. On this same day in 1618, the decisive Battle of White Mountain was fought and won by the Catholic League, marking the first major Protestant defeat in the Thirty Years' War.
A date chosen not by chance to send the first tranche of 11,500 signatures of the petition to the Vatican Secretariat of State: "Recognition of the totally impeded See of Pope Benedict XVI and convocation of the conclave". The recipients are the only authentic, pre-2013 cardinals who received the biretta from the real popes Benedict XVI and John Paul II.
The document is the result of the three-year investigation "The Ratzinger Code", conducted especially on this page, which reconstructed how Pope Benedict never abdicated, but rather "freely offered himself" to his own dethronement, allowing himself to be posed by the convocation of an illegitimate conclave in a “totally impeded seat” (Can. 412 and 335).
Promoters of the initiative, in addition to the undersigned, are the association chaired by lawyers "Arbitrium - Legal emergency assistance for the protection of fundamental rights" and the anti-mafia judge Angelo Giorgianni, general secretary of the World Organization for Life, widespread at an international level, former undersecretary of Justice (with responsibility for religious affairs).
The petition, however, does not close, it remains active and will continue to collect signatures (and send them periodically, in batches, to the Vatican) until the Cardinals interviewed intervene.
More than a petition, it is a notification-complaint, as the lawyer specifies. Roberto Antonacci : “The art. 3 of the Apostolic Constitution Universi Dominici Gregis (1996) explains, from a legal point of view, why the petition is addressed to the Cardinals:
"Furthermore, I establish that the College of Cardinals may not in any way dispose of the rights of the Apostolic See and of the Roman Church, and still less allow, directly or indirectly, any of them to fall, even if for the purpose of settling disputes or pursuing actions perpetrated against the same rights after the death or valid resignation of the Pope. Let it be the care of all the Cardinals to safeguard these rights'.
They have the duty (last paragraph) to protect the rights of the Apostolic See and the Roman Church, in general but, in particular, given the chapter in which the norm is inserted ("Powers of the College of Cardinals during the vacancy of the Apostolic See) , with reference to the vacancy period of the Office. Since, in fact, the See is currently vacant, since the subjects required to protect the rights of the latter are silent, the petition has the nature of a "complaint" with the aim of obtaining legal knowledge - in the hands of these institutionally appointed subjects - regarding the matter. The cardinals will not be able to claim that they were unaware of this circumstance.
I also note that while the first paragraph of point 3 refers to the College of Cardinals, imposing on this collegial body an absolute prohibition to dispose in any way of the rights of the Apostolic See, the last paragraph, which instead imposes the duty to protect these rights, refers to the individual Cardinals, not to the College. The norm therefore imposes (this is a juridical obligation, not a moral one, or any other) on each individual Cardinal this duty of protection. Any omission of this obligation will have legal consequences. The last paragraph, moreover, provides legal cover for the action of even a single Cardinal: the intervention of the entire College is not required.
The petition therefore serves to solicit, legally, the performance of constitutional duties that the Cardinals have ope legis. They would, in reality, have the duty to act ex officio. But faced with an apparent inertia, the faithful are forced to face their responsibilities.
I would only add that point 3 UDG is also useful for neutralizing those theses that speak of "universal peaceful acceptance", by cardinals and bishops, of a Pope who was not validly elected. If a Pope is invalidly elected, the See is vacant or rather occupied. The cardinals therefore have no power other than to protect the rights of the See by asserting the nullity of the election."
Below is the text of the petition, which you will find HERE and, at the bottom, the names of the cardinals to whom it was addressed.
To the Eminent Cardinals appointed pre-2013 - Secretariat of State - Vatican City*
Most Reverend Eminences,
with his alleged 'resignation' on 11 February 2013, Pope Benedict XVI has never abdicated, as demonstrated by the three-year-long "Ratzinger Code" investigation (see multilingual website Supported byLatinists, Church historians, magistrates, canonists, jurists, and renowned philosophers. Pope Benedict, forced out of the way by international pressures and an internal Church faction (the so-called 'St. Gallen Mafia'), following in the footsteps of the One whose Vicar he was, 'freely offered himself' for his dethronement, allowing himself to be placed in a 'totally impeded See' (Canons 412 and 335) by the convocation of an illegitimate conclave. This canonical situation protected him, making him the only true pope until his death, while at the same time making Jorge Mario Bergoglio anti-pope from the start. In fact, no pope can be legally elected while the previous one is not regularly abdicated, but impeded. The apostolic constitution Universi Dominici Gregis states (Art. 76 and 77) that if the vacancy of the See due to the Pope's abdication has not taken place in accordance with canon 332.2 (which requires the renunciation of the Petrine Munus), the election is null and void and the elected has no rights.
Pope Benedict, in his Declaratio, has never renounced the Petrine munus, but has only "prophesied" his forthcoming renunciation of the ministerium (never ratified, by the way): such a situation can only occur by an impeded See. The Petrine line of succession is thus interrupted, the Church finds itself (for the first time in history) in a state of undeclared vacant seat. The world has been without a pope since 31 December and, for the first time in 2000 years, it has not been realised that the last pontiff is dead. The anti-pope Francis, deprived of the Petrine munus and thus - from the perspective of faith - of the assistance of the Holy Spirit, is visibly overthrowing the Catholic faith from its roots. This situation, in addition to being a tragedy for believers and laying the foundations for an anti-papal succession (should non-cardinals of Bergoglian appointment take part in the next conclave), entails serious risks for the entire world, and especially for Italy. We therefore ask the Eminences Cardinals - exclusively of pre-2013 appointment - who already, de facto, with the invalid conclave, protected the Holy Father Benedict by preserving him as legitimate pope, to intervene to dutifully protect the rights of the Apostolic See, (as per Art. 3 U.D.G.), ACKNOWLEDGING THE IMPEDITED SEAT of Pope Benedict XVI, declaring the DEATH OF THE POPE on 31 December 2022 and proceeding to the immediate CONCLAVE for the election of a new legitimate Pontiff.
“Letter to the cattoconservatives”: The following article illustrates how, thanks to the Latin language, Pope Benedict was able to apply his anti-usurpation system and how he always told the truth. HERE
“Benedict XVI and the “1000 years”: the final enigma on Ratzinger's resignation solved ”: one of the most significant messages with which Pope Benedict explained how he had never abdicated, referring to the medieval Pope Benedict VIII. HERE
☆ To The Cardinals
1) ABRIL y CASTELLÓ Card. Santos
2) ALENCHERRY Card. George
3) AMATO Card. Angelo, S.D.B.
4) ANTONELLI Card. Ennio
5) ARINZE Card. Francis
6) ASSIS Card. Raymundo DAMASCENO
7) AVIZ Card. João Braz de
8) BAČKIS Card. Audrys Juozas
9) BAGNASCO Card. Angelo
10) BARBARIN Card. Philippe
11) BASELIOS Card. Cleemis
12) BERTELLO Card. Giuseppe
13) BERTONE Card. Tarcisio, S.D.B.
14) BETORI Card. Giuseppe
15) BOZANIĆ Card. Josip
16) BRADY Card. Seán Baptist
17) BRANDMÜLLER Card. Walter
18) BURKE Card. Raymond Leo
19) CALCAGNO Card. Domenico
21) CIPRIANI THORNE Card. Juan Luis
22) COCCOPALMERIO Card. Francesco
23) COLLINS Card. Thomas Christopher
24) COMASTRI Card. Angelo
25) CORDES Card. Paul Josef
26) DARMAATMADJA Card. Julius Riyadi, S.I.
27) DE GIORGI Card. Salvatore
28) DiNARDO Card. Daniel Nicholas
29) do NASCIMENTO Card. Alexandre
30) DOLAN Card. Timothy Michael
31) DUKA Card. Dominik, O.P.
32) DZIWISZ Card. Stanisław
33) EIJK Card. Willem Jacobus
34) ERDŐ Card. Péter
35) ERRÁZURIZ OSSA Card. Francisco Javier
36) FARINA Card. Raffaele, S.D.B.
37) FILONI Card. Fernando
38) GRACIAS Card. Oswald
39) HARVEY Card. James Michael
40) HERRANZ Card. Julián
41) KARLIC Card. Estanislao Esteban
42) KASPER Card. Walter
43) KITBUNCHU Card. Michael Michai
44) KOCH Card. Kurt
45) LAJOLO Card. Giovanni
46) LÓPEZ RODRÍGUEZ Card. Nicolás de Jesús
47) MAHONY Card. Roger Michael
48) MAIDA Card. Adam Joseph
50) MARTINO Card. Renato Raffaele
51) MARX Card. Reinhard
52) MONTEIRO de CASTRO Card. Manuel
53) MONTERISI Card. Francesco
54) MUREŞAN Card. Lucian
55) NAPIER Card. Wilfrid Fox, O.F.M.
56) NJUE Card. John
57) NYCZ Card. Kazimierz
58) O'BRIEN Card. Edwin Frederick
59) OKOGIE Card. Anthony Olubunmi
60) O'MALLEY Card. Seán Patrick, O.F.M. Cap.
61) ONAIYEKAN Card. John Olorunfemi
62) OUELLET Card. Marc, P.S.S.
63) PATABENDIGE DON Card. Albert Malcolm Ranjith
64) PENGO Card. Polycarp
65) PHAM MINH MÂN Card. Jean-Baptiste
66) PIACENZA Card. Mauro
67) POUPARD Card. Paul
68) PUJATS Card. Jānis
69) PULJIĆ Card. Vinko
70) RAÏ Card. Béchara Boutros, O.M.M.
71) RAVASI Card. Gianfranco
72) RE Card. Giovanni Battista
73) RICARD Card. Jean-Pierre
74) RIGALI Card. Justin Francis
75) RIVERA CARRERA Card. Norberto
76) ROBLES ORTEGA Card. Francisco
77) RODÉ Card. Franc, C.M.
78) RODRÍGUEZ MARADIAGA Card. Óscar Andrés, S.D.B.
79) ROMEO Card. Paolo
80) ROSALES Card. Gaudencio Borbon
81) ROUCO VARELA Card. Antonio María
82) RUBIANO SÁENZ Card. Pedro
83) RUINI Card. Camillo
84) RYŁKO Card. Stanisław
85) SALAZAR GÓMEZ Card. Rubén
87) SANDRI Card. Leonardo
88) SARAH Card. Robert
89) SARAIVA MARTINS Card. José, C.M.F.
90) SARR Card. Théodore-Adrien
91) SCHERER Card. Odilo Pedro
92) SCHÖNBORN Card. Christoph, O.P.
93) SCOLA Card. Angelo
94) SEBASTIANI Card. Sergio
95) SEPE Card. Crescenzio
96) STAFFORD Card. James Francis
97) TAGLE Card. Luis Antonio Gokim
98) TONG HON Card. John
99) TURKSON Card. Peter Kodwo Appiah
100) VALLINI Card. Agostino
101) VEGLIÒ Card. Antonio Maria
102) VERSALDI Card. Giuseppe
103) VINGT-TROIS Card. André
104) WAMALA Card. Emmanuel
105) WETTER Card. Friedrich
106) WILLIAMS Card. Thomas Stafford
107) WOELKI Card. Rainer Maria
108) WUERL Card. Donald William
109) ZEN ZE-KIUN Card. Joseph, S.D.B.
110) ZUBEIR WAKO Card. Gabriel
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