Sep 10, 2023Liked by Pope Head

He sounds like an eloquent critic with a poor vision. Reminds of of Filostrato from That Hideous Strength at times. Also, "a thousand points of light" is what George Bush Sr. said in his New World Order speech. I wonder if it is more significant.

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And very GOOD translation, V!

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Thank you!

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Oh my am I with you on America needing to rid herself of the rot. But it may be too late. You would DIE of embarrassment for my students after reading the "manifestos" they write after reading Marinetti's original Futurist demands--saccharine, bureaucratic, demanding niceness and safetyism. It's like even though I'm standing on a chair screaming about the promontory, and the stars and pick-axing the past, they still don't get it.

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