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In our forlorn epoch of enlightened positivism, a professed belief in miracles is met with a kind of societal contempt. “The miraculous? How dreadfully passé.” A belief in the supernatural is the mark of a dimwit, to believe in possible violations of the established laws of nature makes you at best a dullard and at worst a threat to society. But who delineates the confines of reality? Who are these great arbiters of the realms of possibility? Who is this occluded sovereign with power over the shape of history?
Only a short time ago, the miraculous was seen as another facet of daily life. The personal diaries and public records of our collective historical heritage are rife with vivid and corroborated accounts of the seemingly impossible. Apparitions, inexplicable healings, from the banal to the bizarre. These are all willfully ignored by the methods of modern historiography, rationalized away as “mass psychosis” or some other quasi Freudian psychological sleight of hand. The retroactive ‘mass psychosis’ diagnosis is just as unfounded and mystical as 'divine intervention.' Framing your explanation through the lens of 'psychology' doesn't add validity to it or make it more objective. But history must be neat, and wholly compatible with the secular ontology of our contemporary high priesthood.
“If these miracles are possible, where are they today? We should be able to test them.” This is the rallying cry of the smug skeptic. And to be fair, if our present age was totally devoid of such past wonders, they would have a point. Whats more, modernity is rife with such occurrences, scientifically unexplainable occurrences that have been tested in the modern temple of the laboratory. But instead of grappling with such wonders, the modern establishment ignores them. And by ignoring them, their universities cast a shade upon the public νοῦς that warps the impression of their non-existence. Today we will be examining some of these well documented miracles.
In 1996, a parish priest (Father Alejandro Pezet) in Buenos Aires discovered an abandoned Host inside of his church, and promptly placed it inside a bowl of water which he locked in the tabernacle. After a few days something incredible occurred. As it sat in the water, it began to progressively transform. This was noticed first around a week later, and so Father Pezet notified his local bishop…. Jorge Bergoglio.
The host quickly began to change into actual flesh. Or at least, something that resembled flesh. Australian lawyer Ron Tesoriero and a journalist (one of Australias most qualified senior journalists), on behalf of the archbishop, decided to get into contact with a renowned forensic pathologist and cardiologist by the name of Dr Zugibe. But they did not tell the expert the true nature of the substance, Tesoriero simply implied it had something to do with a case. This was Dr Zugibe’s findings, without having any idea of the origin of the sample.
“His first statement of what he saw was that the sample was tissue from a human person – it was real flesh and blood containing human DNA. He was looking at tissue from a human heart muscle, and specifically it was from the left ventricle of the heart that pumps the blood round the body. He saw a large number of white blood cells in the heart muscle which happens when a person is severely beaten in the chest area. These white cells were all undamaged. They can only live if fed by a living body. The evidence also shows, and this is the analysis of the expert, that the person from whom the sample was taken was alive at the moment the sample tissue was taken.”
The initial reports stunned the lawyer and the journalist. Finally the lawyer spoke up.
“They approached it in a very gentle way. They were so dumbfounded by the testimony they had just received from the Dr. Zugibe that they needed to clarify a few points first. One of them asked him how long white blood cells would remain alive if they had come from a piece of human tissue that had been left in water? He replied that they would dissolve in minutes and would no longer exist. Then Mike informed him that this tissue had been in tap water for a month and then in distilled water for three years. The Doctor was at a loss to account for this fact and he stated that science could not explain how this could be. Finally, he was asked what he would say if he knew the source of the sample was a piece of wheaten bread, a consecrated Host that had turned mysteriously into bloodied human flesh? The doctor was truly amazed and he replied, “How and why a Communion Host would change its character and become living human flesh and blood will remain an inexplicable mystery to science- a mystery totally beyond her competence.”
If you want to hear his own initial impression from a different source, go to minute 15 of the below video.
“What is the function of that area of the heart?”
“The left ventricle is the area that supplies the rest of the body with blood.”
Incredible. This humble wafer seems to have broken every established law of nature. It resembles a specific piece of heart tissue, has the properties of someone who had been scourged exactly three days before. I would recommend watching the entirety of the first video.
This Dr Zugibe is not some fringe scientific crank. Look at his credentials for yourself.
It is interesting that this happened under the jurisdiction of the future Pope Francis. In Eastern Orthodox traditions, Eucharistic Miracles only occur in the presence of a disbeliever, to shock them into realizing the reality of the daily, unseen miracle of Transubstantiation. We live in a world where only one third of Catholic believe in the real presence. One of the foundational and core dogmas of the Church.
There is something truly providential about the location and timing of this miracle.
This is simply one of hundreds of such well documented and scientifically analyzed miracles of the sort. Let’s discuss a few more.
In 750 AD a priest who had doubted the reality of the True Presence, was giving mass in Lanciano, when following the Eucharistic Formula the host transformed into flesh. The miracle was preserved and sits in the same church to this day.
Another reputable scientist. And the findings are very similar to that of the Buenos Aires miracle. Both having AB blood and containing biological matter of a human Left Ventricle.
What is extraordinarily fascinating about this consistency in blood type, is that it is very rare in Italy, but not in the Middle East.
And for the really incredible thing? The blood samples taken from the Shroud of Turin were also AB, and like the blood of the eucharistic miracles, had hemoglobin levels indicative of a man who just underwent extreme bodily stress three days before.
We have a plethora of similar cases from just the turn of the millennium, all subjected to rigorous scientific analysis, and they all share startling commonalities.
Reread that last line. Just like with the Shroud of Turin, none of these miracles can be reproduced by the top of the line labs.
This should be an enormous wake up call to lukewarm catholics and to protestants everywhere who deny the real presence. Every mass this miracle occurs but unseen.
For those who deny the real presence, you are denying not just science but Christ. Remember, he allowed followers to abandon him when they refused to believe in the necessity of the consumption of his body.
The high priests of the Laboratory cannot allow light to be shed on such things. It is a threat to their power, a threat to the very bedrock of modernities foundation. Watch them wince in the face of such evidence, watch them grimace. On a whim I decided to explore the responses of the skeptics to this evidence. So I searched the online hive of the smug, Quora. Someone had already asked the question. The responses were enlightening to say the least.
“Its not a miracle, it’s disgusting.”
He does not even grapple with the scientific validity, he only expresses his revulsion, and then attacks God for not fitting into his personal conception of what God should be. These people are not concerned with the Truth, because the Truth scares them, it disgusts them.
It is interesting how similar this sentiment is to those who rejected Christ. They wanted a messiah who was powerful, who would lead them to military victory, not a weakling who died on the cross! Just as these people don’t want a God who turns bread into his flesh, who doesn’t abide by all of their personal desires!
Some things never change. Here, in vivid detail, we are presented a sublime portrait of the timelessness of the kerygma, the relevance of the words of two millennium past.
If this poster cared about the truth and the evidence, he would have seen the reputable scientists explain the impossibility of such an explanation. For these eucharistic miracles to be elaborate hoaxes, an inconceivable level of brutality and detail would have to be executed to reproduce them. The fabricators would have had to brutally torture a man, and three days later kill him and extract heart tissue, and even then they would not have been able to preserve it! Just as there is no scientific explanation for the Shroud and no way to reproduce it, so it is with the Hosts.
Why is it that Bergoglio, who is aware of this miracle, does not shout it from the top of his lungs! Why dont the church authorities spread this great news! In the words of a Jesuit scientist who studied the shroud, “People cannot handle the reality of the Resurrection.” But I think it is even darker than that. We live in an age where belief in the Real Presence is at an all time low, and the Church does very little to turn the tide.
From the Foolishness of God:
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Papal history and deep topography.
There are so many miracles that no one has heard of.
I just recently learned about this one: every year, predictably, the blood of St. Januarius liquifies.
Dear Popehead....Thank you for this wonderful article. I will share with many! I love your topics and writing. God is surely inspiring you. On a personal note, Might you have a senior or sliding scale membership?