May 13, 2023Liked by Pope Head

First, I've only gotten about a 5th of the way through, Pope Head, but...

Strange and wonderful coincidence thus far: last night, just last night (!) I watched a movie called "Daughter of the Maya: Rigoberta Mencha" almost accidently. The back story is I hate Hollywood garbage and tend to look for foreign films and searched out "Peruvian Movies" (I move all over the globe). While searching I watched a trailer for some revolutionary film which had "customers also watched" and so I check those out, too, as per normal for me. The above showed up and it was rather short and about a subject I was completely unaware of: Maya Indigenous Genocide and Civil War. I am 56 y.o. and my husband, 61, university general counsel, also never heard of either the war or the genocide. We watched that short documentary. You can find info here: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5698984/

So, bazaar, in less that 18 hours I am learning from two very disparate sources mention of the Guatemalan Civil War, which lasted 36 years and killed over 200,000 people, mostly Maya Indigenous.

The other coincidence is that I had an older gentleman friend, a retired professor of philosophy, was invited to the incardination of his old buddy Avery. They were in seminary together. My friend fell in love and dropped out. He was so proud of the invite. I wanted to understand a bit about A.C.D. and so I decided to read a little book he wrote about his conversion. The only thing I remember is that as he was walking along toward the bridge from Cambridge to Boston he saw a blooming crabapple tree and it struck him that the tree knows what "to do" and this revelation, that a unintelligent creature knew what it must do and yet he, a man did not know what he must do and therefore there must be a God. (clearly I am taking liberties but you get the gist.) But nothing else he wrote remains with me at all.

I will read more of your essay...a.c.

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May 13, 2023Liked by Pope Head

Wemhoff, JCM and the American Proposition.

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Oh my, Father, the speedily shrinking globe! Wemhoff had an amazing youtube video about all the CIA and Spellman subversive shenanigans that I listened to about 3, maybe 4 years ago (time has a way of neatly folding itself up into a layered tissue). He is a proponent of Christian Monarchy - which I find fascinating, I might add. I almost looked him us to offer to work with him after I watched that video.

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May 13, 2023Liked by Pope Head

It would be great if someone could do a project on his ecclesiology but at the same time get access to all his papers to show the superficiality (or worse) of his conversion.

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I have been looking everywhere for his book on Pico but it seems as if its been completely scrubbed from the web lol

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May 13, 2023Liked by Pope Head

It’s on Microfilm at Ann Arbor MI. The Boston Athaneum (don’t know what that is) claims to have an e copy.

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Have you listened to the interviews with Fr Malachi Martin and Art Bell?

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May 13, 2023Liked by Pope Head

One of Dulles’ last articles in First Things was arguing for the annihilation of damned souls at the end of time. Throughout his life he was obsessed with those who rejected baptism and proceeded to do incredibly evil things to promote the American Empire. He was obsessed with finding excuses for them. There are hints of that mentality in this article.

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May 13, 2023Liked by Pope Head

He’s a similar figure to John Courtney Murray. Murray openly collaborated with the Dulles.

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May 13, 2023Liked by Pope Head

I never read anything by him growing up, but he was treated as some sort of revered academic, worthy of being named a cardinal for his theological contributions. But his sociology is as sophisticated as that of a sports coach or the CEO of Apple. It’s ham fisted and clearly meant to promote an agenda.

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May 13, 2023Liked by Pope Head

The beginning of the much needed definitive biography of Dulles. By the end of his life he was the hero of the conservatives at 1st things. He is following the part outlined by the CIA in the 40s-50s when it adopted doctrinal warfare programs intended to use the institutions of the Church to spread s a sort of Whiggish Americanism. PRt of doing this would be to introduce faction and tension into the church, on all sides. The more I think of this, when he criticized the institutional church it was a form of confession through projection. He was denominating the vehicle the elites wanted to use to turn into their instrument or institution to a conduit of whiggish Americanist ideology. It has to be progressive. Now, that means dying for the gay disco in Ukraine.

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Interesting, you just gave me a lot more rabbit holes to look down. Im really only scratching the surface here in this article and really just wanted to show how genuinely stupid his Models of the Church book is. I sent some screenshots "models" to an old professor of mine while reading it and he nearly had a stroke.

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May 13, 2023Liked by Pope Head

old professors (I used to be one) just had no way of knowing the nature of the traitorous subversives who were proposed to them as models. This was a hard conversion to undergo in the 1990s. It’s much easier now.

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023Liked by Pope Head

I have been watching a lot of James Lindsay and his expose of gnosticism as a parasite on all institutions. Your last two paragraphs brought it all full circle. I recommend them as they would most definitely move one from the charitable position of everyone being enemies of the CIA you alluded to in the begging and into a lucierian cult of gnosis as the enemy's motivation.

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Why do you think Pope John Paul II made him a cardinal? I think JPII was a great pope but he made some howlers particularly his views on the founder of the legionnaires of Christ. Was this a mistake due to old age and illness?

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Those pesky FreeMasons and their subversion of all that is good.

FBI sending spies to TLM chapels.

Dulles CIA implicated in JFK assassination.

The letter, "Humanum genus", of the Pope, Leo XIII, against free-masonry and the spirit of the age, April 20, 1884. 
Original Latin, and English translation.



This morning at the farmers market, the FreeMasons had a recruiting booth. What are the odds we all see this excellent post today?

More dots are connected.

Sáncte Míchael Archángele, defénde nos in proélio, cóntra nequítiam et insídias diáboli ésto præsídium. Ímperet ílli Déus, súpplices deprecámur: tuque, prínceps milítiæ cæléstis, Sátanam aliósque spíritus malígnos, qui ad perditiónem animárum pervagántur in múndo, divína virtúte, in inférnum detrúde. Ámen.

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