"White wins in three moves: The integral coherence of Benedict XVI’s plan"
A guest post by Andrea Cionci
Attached below is an article written by Andrea Cionci that he asked me to republish here from May 2023.
The story of Columbus’s egg teaches how the most simple and perfect solutions can be the most difficult to understand. It is even more difficult to understand how a challenge, a battle, can be won by means of meekness, withdrawal, and self-sacrifice.
The true pope, Benedict XVI, explained this well: “Beginning with his birth, Jesus did not belong to that environment which is important and powerful according to the world. But it is precisely this irrelevant and powerless man who reveals himself as the truly Powerful One, as the One on whom, in the end, everything depends. Therefore, part of becoming Christian is to step outside of what everyone thinks and wants, from the prevailing criteria, in order to enter into the light of truth about our being, and by means of this light, reach the right path.”
Over the course of three years of investigation, with continuous study, we have painstakingly found Benedict XVI’s “egg of Columbus.” The simple explanation for his inexplicable, impossible, mysterious, problematic Declaratio in which he renounced his ministerium is found in the fact that it was not an abdication but rather a “prophetic” announcement of how, two weeks later, he would be put into the situation of a totally impeded see by the convocation of an illegitimate conclave. Everything revolves around the never-denied observation that the pope can lose his ministerium – his power to do what the pope does – while preserving his munus - his ”being” pope – only by force; that is, by an impeded see, and not in any other situation. And the see can only be either vacant or impeded: there are no other possibilities.
This anti-usurpation plan to defend the Church, prepared since at least 1983 (when the new Code of Canon Law was promulgated) has a dazzling perfection and may be articulated in three steps.
1. Forced to get out of the way, in 2013 Benedict made a Declaratio that to his enemies, greedy for power, seemed like an abdication. They convoked an abusive conclave, thereby placing Benedict in an impeded see, and they elected an antipope. Benedict remained the one and only pope, albeit a prisoner (emeritus = impeded), but his adversary had placed himself into schism from the very day of his election. (see the documentary video Dies Irae HERE).
2. During the years of life God granted him as impeded pope (2013-2022), Benedict XVI spoke only to those who had ears to hear, made people understand what was happening by means of subtle messages, while the anti-Catholic antipope revealed himself by scandalizing the People of God (see the documentary video Intelligenti Pauca HERE).
3. Once the truth has emerged, the Apostolic Constitution Universi Dominici Gregis will allow the cardinals to intervene by declaration of nullity of Bergoglio's antipapacy, the expulsion of the antipope and all Masonic heretics from the Church, a purified conclave with the true cardinals appointed prior to 2013, and the election of a new true pope. HERE
Now, there have been many objections, and almost all of them are specious. Usually, those who object have difficulty understanding the integral coherence of such a system, and they make demands like this: Why didn’t Ratzinger speak clearly? Why didn’t he excommunicate all his enemies? Why didn’t he remain heroically in charge until the end? Why didn’t he leave a written explanation after his death? And so forth. We have responded to these sorts of questions in this podcast HERE.
We will now try to provide various hints as to the perfect logic of what has happened at various levels, from the most material and strategic aspect to the supernatural and eschatological dimension.
A military plan: This is a final clash between two churches – one that is Catholic and one that is gnostic. Military history demonstrates that the most dazzling victories have almost always been obtained after a strategic retreat that permits withdrawing from the adversary’s initiative, forcing him to face an unforeseen situation. Von Clausewitz writes: “One who has not learned the art of retreat is not a good strategist.” In the art of war, it is strategically fundamental to know how to leave space, if necessary, to delude the opponent into believing he has already won and to ensure that his arrogance will seal his fate. The Declaratio was a true bolt of lightning out of the blue that surprised the Saint Gallen Mafia. Benedict’s enemies had to accept a decision that had already been made which, apparently, satisfied them.
An athletic plan: When one thinks of Pope Benedict, a judoka often comes to mind. He has utilized his opponent’s aggressive kinetics to bring him down. He acted more by being silent than by actively doing. Dum tacet clamat – while he is silent, he speaks – as Archbishop Ganswein explained about him, and Peter Seewald himself explains this idea with this not-random consideration in his book-interview Last Conversations: “It’s not just the things you do that are important; at times the things you don’t do are even more significant.” The weight of Pope Benedict’s absence, his deafening silences, the details that were not specified in his “Ratzinger Code” (“There is only one pope,” he repeatedly said – but who?), all of this was speaking. When Ganswein said, in a sensationally explanatory speech HERE that Pope Benedict had made “a sidestep” (and not a step back), we visualize the Saint Gallen Mafia like a brute who charges against the small, fragile Pope Ratzinger, who simply stepped out of the way: his adversary crashed to the ground all by himself. An entirely Christian way of behaving: dutifully defending oneself, but without violence.
A canonical plan: This project was in fact carried out in a bloodless way that was completely consistent with canon law. Benedict was able to announce that he would renounce the ministerium due to force majeure and that he would be dethroned. Seewald says this clearly in Ein Leben: “The pope was alive. But he no longer was sitting on the throne of Peter. Never before had something like this happened in the history of the Church. It was like a paradigm shift that signaled the dawn of a new epoch, perhaps even of a new era.” Obviously, given that in the history of the Church there have been ten popes who abdicated, when Seewald says “Never before had something like this happened” he intends people to understand that Benedict did not abdicate. For the first time in history, in fact, a pope freely accepted being dethroned in order to definitively conquer his adversaries. Hence the reference to “the new era,” which is otherwise inexplicable if we follow the mainstream narrative of a pope who abdicated only because “he was suffering from insomnia.”
A cultural plan: The centuries to come will speak about this gigantic pontiff who succeeded in always telling the truth thanks to the perfection of the Latin language as well as a perfect use of the vulgar languages. His cultural superiority with respect to his adversary, who does not even hold a doctorate, is at a ratio of 1000:1. Thanks to this wisdom, he succeeded in the superhuman feat of always telling the truth, of never lying, and at the same time speaking to anyone with ears to hear.
A Biblical plan: there are many comparisons that can be made with personalities of the Bible. Benedict himself said that the answer for those who do not believe is found in the book of Jeremiah or Isaiah: the former speaks of an impeded prophet HERE, while the latter speaks of a liberated prisoner who imprisons his persecutors. But there is also the prophet Daniel who kills the ravenous dragon adored by the king of Babylon. The king demanded that he adore the dragon, and Daniel challenged him: “If you permit me, O king, I will slay the dragon without sword or club.” The king said, “I give you permission.” Daniel then took pitch, fat, and hair and baked them together, then he prepared cakes and threw them into the mouth of the dragon who swallowed them and then burst open; then Daniel said, “Behold what you have been worshipping!” Pope Benedict precisely exploited the greed of his enemies who wanted to take over the Church; he threw them a “meatball” – that is, his resignation from the ministerium – and his enemies gobbled it up and exploded. In this way, Catholics have understood, and will understand in ever greater numbers, the trap the Bergoglians have fallen into.
A magisterial plan: Here we come to the plan that pertains precisely to the pope, that is, his plan to teach and hand on the deposit of faith. Pope Benedict has done this by means of the Ratzinger Code, not by shouting but in an exquisitely Christ-like way, that is, speaking for those who have “ears to hear.” This was entirely justified by the canonical situation of the impeded see, since a prisoner cannot speak freely. The parable of the Sower reminds us that the seed of the Word falls almost everywhere, like seeds that are scattered in a wide range, but it takes root only in favorable soil. This was that the Pope wanted: to select, by means of a system of “self-enlistment,” a new core group of Catholics who would be able to retake the Church, purifying her HERE. It is no coincidence that the titles of the first book-interviews with Peter Seewald were Salt of the Earth and Light of the World: this was the programmatic indication of the role of believers that Benedict desired in this 21st century.
A theological plan: Pope Benedict “offered himself to his Passion” just like the One of whom he was the Vicar. What Benedict did fully reflects what [fourth-century] African theologian Tyconius affirmed, whose thought, according to Ratzinger, was perfected by the thought of Saint Augustine. Tyconius said that within the Church of Christ there is a hidden church of the devil, whose agenda is advanced by traitor-bishops HERE. He said that this evil reality would only be revealed after a withdrawal or retreat of the Church of Christ. Augustine emphasized the point that Jesus will never abandon his Church. In fact, this is exactly what happened, so much so that in German Ratzinger spoke of his resignation precisely as a retreat: “Rücktritt.” Pope Ratzinger carried with him the Petrine munus and the true Church; others have understood this and remained faithful; more and more faithful are being added to this number. At the celebration of his 65th anniversary of priestly ordination [in 2016], Pope Benedict said that what happened to him can be summarized as Eucharistomen, that is, the words with which Christ gave thanks as he broke the bread and gave it to His Disciples. That is, Jesus transforms all evil and suffering into blessing HERE.
A prophetic plan: Ever since the time of the Prophet Daniel, five hundred years before Christ, many different voices have spoken of a future usurpation of the Petrine throne: Saint John, Saint Paul, the Fathers of the Church, Saint Francis, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, mystics, saints, visionaries, popes, Marian apparitions, Fatima, Garabandal, La Salette, Our Lady of Good Success. They speak of an idol shepherd, a false prophet, a false pope, the reduction of the Church to a tiny remnant, a mystery of iniquity, a power of deception that did not allow the just to understand the truth, and so on. In a certain sense, what is happening today is like a film we have already seen one too many times and whose script is now being played out once again in a slavish way.
A symbolic-coincidental plan: The more one ponders the reality of what has happened, the more one becomes amazed at the confluence of various elements that go far beyond the possibility of being planned by Pope Ratzinger. Professor Luca Brunoni, a docent of Church history, explains: “Pope Benedict himself emphasizes some of them in Last Conversations, such as the exact one thousand years of distance from the only other “pope to resign from the ministerium,” which we have discovered was none other than Benedict VIII [who resigned in 1013] HERE, whose historical correspondence in name and numerical date [exactly one thousand years before 2013] is incredible. So too the various meanings contained in the date of 11 February 2013, which in that year happened to be “Rosenmontag,” the Monday of Carnival [prior to Ash Wednesday], the traditional day for playing pranks in Germany. But above all, it was the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, a feast that is particularly dear to the heart of Benedict XVI, since he was born on the feast of Saint Bernadette [April 16].
A cosmological plan: “From the point of view of external observers,” Brunoni continues, “one cannot fail to emphasize how even the cosmos itself seems to have given signals that are plain to see for everyone: the thick and unusual fog at Benedict’s funeral [which was interrupted by ray of light that took the form of a cross] left few people unmoved, just like the image of the lightning that struck the cupola of Saint Peter’s Basilica on the day of the announcement of the resignation is now part of the collective consciousness. The very fact that there was a professional photographer intent on capturing images of the dome, and who thus succeeded in capturing an event like a bolt of lightning that was absolutely unforeseeable, says a lot about how much even the imponderable places itself as the service of Benedict’s “Plan” and at the same demonstrates how clumsy the attempts have been to take supposedly “spontaneous” and “random” photos of Bergoglio, such as the one at the record store HERE.
An eschatological plan: Paragraph 675 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church describes perfectly what is happening with the false Bergoglian church, at least according to the indignation of the most authoritative Catholic commentators:
Before Christ's second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers. The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth will unveil the "mystery of iniquity" in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. the supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh.
In any case, Pope Benedict did not intend to do everything by himself, but he wanted to entrust himself to Christ, whose Vicar he was, both regarding the success of his plan as well as for the time and way in which it would happen. He wrote in his Declaratio: “Now, we entrust the Holy Church to the care of her Supreme Pastor, Our Lord Jesus Christ…”
And the plan has almost reached completion.
The whole thing is entirely dependent on a trap actually being sprung. This would have to be something conclusive, unequivocal, and substantial such as a "dead man's switch" (or some event based trigger) release of a document laying his plan out. Still we wait, but for how long?
Exceptionally well thought out.