When people's reaction is "that is a lie, they would not do that," usually it is because they would need to radically rethink their beliefs if it were true. We blot out discordant beliefs to function.

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Well said.

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And at the other end of dietary practices, it seems we are being asked to reassess our cultural bias around elimination. Wonder if the poisoned shrimp scene (from a Brazilian restaurant) in Bridesmaids was used to soften us up for yet another cultural shift.

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Twisted times

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I’m conflicted on this story, my wife and her family are Haitian —they’re not really the demographic being spoken about there though, they’re all doctors and engineers and the like. They’re indignant about this being a thing, saying it’s racist and part of an anti-immigrant thing. After the election (when else?) when more information comes that substantiates these claims to the point where it cannot be ignored by the media any longer, what do they say?

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"In American popular culture cats are the subject of a minor cult. Memes, videos, you name it, cats are at the center of a kind of popular civic devotion. To harm a cat is unthinkable in the mind of an American. Killing a cat is like killing a child."

Very perceptive. This might at last convince the masses that The Other can't be tolerated. Excellent essay, thank you.

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